Below are the tuition rates for the 2025 - 2026 school year. Rates go into effect with the University fiscal year which begins July 1 annually. 

The fee structure is based on a child's age as of August 15th, 2025, and is as follows:

Rates are subject to change as needed and without notice.


Tuition, fees, and assistance
Age Annual household income Monthly childcare fee
Infants and toddlers All $1665
2 to 3 years old  Less than $50,000 $1249
$50,000 - $75,000 $1492
Over $75,000 $1551
3 to 4 years old Less than $50,000 $1108
$50,000 - $75,000 $1325
Over $75,000 $1379
4 to 5 Year Olds SVPP (Labs 3 and 4) Less than $50,000 $1108 ($1008**)
$50,000-$75,000 $1325 ($1225**)
Over $75,000 $1379 ($1279**)
4 to 5 Year Olds NON-SVPP (Labs 3 and 4) Less than $50,000 $1512
$50,000-$75,000 $1729
Over $75,000 $1783

**SVPP Fulltime Tuition, September 2025-May 2026 is listed in parenthesis

Other fees

  • Enrollment Fee.  A $100 non-refundable fee is collected at the time of enrollment into the program. 
  • Transportation. Transportation is the responsibility of the parents.
  • Late pickup. A $5-per-minute fee is charged after 5:30 p.m. for late pickup.  After two late pickup's, there is a $100 charge + $5-per-minute fee. 

Scholarships and assistance

Preschool-age scholarships

Scholarships through Boone and Story County Early Childhood Iowa (BooSt) may be available for income-eligible families on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact Heather Bruno, parent coordinator, at or 515-294-6252 for more information.

Reduced tuition program

The Lab School is a partner program with Ames Community School District in Iowa's Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program (SVPP). Children that are four years old on August 12, can complete an application form to possibly receive reduced tuition as part of that program. Contact Heather Bruno, parent coordinator, at or 515-294-3040 for more information.

Financial assistance for ISU students

For those ISU students selecting the Lab School, financial assistance may be available. Contact Cris Broshar, ISU child care coordinator, at or 515-294-3149 for more information.


We can only accept Department of Human Services (DHS) child care subsidy when the family receives other assistance (such as CCAMPIS grant) that covers the remainder of the Lab School tuition.