Children on Playground

Child enrollment application

The Child Enrollment Application form is completed online and submitted directly to the Child Development Laboratory School.

Apply Here! (online application)

Enrollment fees

Upon enrollment, the following fees are due:

  • Enrollment fee: A $100 non-refundable fee is collected at the time of enrollment into the program.
  • Tuition


Any child under the age of five years old can have his or her name placed on the Lab School waiting list once the online application is completed. The Lab School families are a diverse group from many different backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, nationalities, races, and religions — we welcome and encourage applications from all families.

Because we use a lottery system for selection and we strive for an age and gender balance in each classroom, it is impossible to give an estimate on how long a child will be on our waiting list.

Children Reading Together

Selection process

Children are selected from the pool of applications based on age and gender using a lottery system. Priority is given to:

  • Siblings of children currently enrolled in the Lab School (with no guarantee)
  • Children with identified special needs that can be accommodated in group care

Date of application and association with the university are not considered in the selection process.